Summertime is here, and you might be planning a short vacation with your family to have a break from your daily routine. People who have cottage homes consider it to be the best option as their vacation venue. This way, you will not have to spend money on hotel rooms and don’t have to sleep on those uncomfortable mattresses. People have built their cottage homes at places that far from the hotchpotch of city life. The cottage homes are usually located at someplace that will provide a sense of serenity to them, and they can enjoy their short break. But that place has been closed for quite some time, and you have to consider some things before going there, some of which are cleanliness of the area, animal and bird’s homes, debris, and detecting mold.
Below are the things to do before you spend the vacation in your cottage home:
No one would like to go to a place full of dirt, but when the place has been closed for quite some time, it is obvious that the home will not be clean because of the constant dirt coming in through the outside environment. The place will be full of stagnant air and pollution, which needs to be removed before you move in. So, when you start on your vacation, make sure that you have hired someone who can clean the place for you so that you don’t have to do it first thing after arriving there.
Check for animal/bird infestation:
Closed places make a good home for animals and birds. They find it easy to make it a habitat because no one is residing there. They will make it their home and give babies or lay eggs. So, if they have built their home there, it will be a mess that needs meticulous cleaning. Make sure to check each and every corner of the house to check if there is any animal or bird. Cleaning the mess is important so that it does not cause any infection to you or your family.
Check the lawn:
Do not forget to look in the lawn as well. Animals and birds may have made their home there. The grass would have also grown because it has been untouched for a long time. So you need to be sure that the grass in the lawn has been cut properly and check for unwanted plants as well that have no place in your lawn.
Check your water and electricity supply:
Make sure that you have checked the water and electricity supply before you move into the cottage home. You have to stay there, no doubt only for a short period but that stay should be a comfortable one and not the one where were you are facing problem because of the lack of water and damage electrical wires causing power brownouts or blackouts. Better check the supplies so that your first day is all good and pleasant.
Mold inspection:
Mold is the most common and dangerous thing that will grow in your cottage home. A closed place is dark, and no matter how much you take precautions, the moisture will collect in any closed place. So, it is better to detect the mold in your home before you you go on to stay there. You should hire mold removal services so that they can detect the mold, and if the fungus is present there, they can help to remove it. The professionals will help to get rid of the mold by using the required tools and methods and taking every safety measure.